Surgical teams Working in aFrica
Together for Safer Surgery
Surgical teams Working in aFrica
Together for Safer Surgery

Phase 1 complete

March 2020

After much planning, preparation and hard work, Mark, Christian, Nick, Louise, Tim and little Chloe went out to Tanzania for Phase 1 of the TNMHP. Whilst the itinerary was never actually finalised until the penultimate day, it was nevertheless a fantastic and hugely productive trip. The Tanzanians were fantastic and made possible everything that was achieved. Special thanks to all the centre leads and surgeons, Masumbuko as overall Tanzanian Lead for the Project and Madame President Catherin for her unrelenting enthusiasm.

It was a hugely enjoyable trip, with plenty of challenges and many new friendships made and cemented. The travelling faculty were just brilliant and very resilient. Our massive thanks to them also. Key themes of the trip were managing uncertainty, being responsive, being adaptable and learning on the go. Executive summary: 1600km driven. 9 centres with 72 local ‘surgeons’ (of all grades) now involved in the project. Lots of enthusiasm on both sides and several new centres and strategies identified to consider for phase 2.