Surgical teams Working in aFrica
Together for Safer Surgery
Surgical teams Working in aFrica
Together for Safer Surgery

Google Glasses – Is Augmented Reality really a reality?

February 2021

SWIFTSS has been exploring many exciting avenues to strengthen their current focus of work in Tanzania. A SWIFTSS presentation at the THET (Tropical Health and Education Trust) conference in October 2020 generated interest into augmented reality in surgical training and its potential application in the global surgical landscape.

Having caught the attention of members of the Health Education England ‘Technology Enhanced Learning’ group, SWIFTSS has now received a pair of google glasses and has agreed to trial their use with a view to future application.

Initial work will unpick the practicalities and realities of using such technology for surgical skills-based training translatable to the global healthcare setting. Exciting stuff! (if not a little daunting too!)

Thanks to Prof Pramod Luthra and Richard Price for their interest, enthusiasm and this offered opportunity.